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  • Refund Policy
    For Tax Preparation services there will be ABSOLUTELY NO REFUNDS issued in the event the IRS does not issue you a tax return. Due diligence has been done on the company's behalf to prepare the tax return. For Credit Restoration there is a 3 day grace period from the date of sign up to claim a refund. After disputes have been issued no refund will be given.
  • Where can I get a free copy of my credit report?
    You're entitled to one free copy of your credit report every 12 months from each of the three nationwide credit reporting companies. Order online from, the only authorized website for free credit reports
  • Is a deposit required for all appointments?
    For all in house appointments a $25 deposit is required at time of booking. If you are just uploading your information to the website then no deposit is required. There is a 24 hour cancellation window, if you need to reschedule. Failure to keep your appointment will result in the lost of your deposit and another deposit is required to book another appointment.
  • What is the maximum amount of time for Credit Restoration?
    . Most clients will see their credit dramatically improve within 3-4 months. There is a 6 month time limit for the retainer fee. Any new collection accounts added after 6 months will require a new retainer fee to paid.
  • Do we work for a Third Party?
    Absolutely not! All disputes are issued by the owner. No information will be disclosed or transferred to another company.In the event that you give us permission to discuss your credit with a lender, realtor, or another party we would be happy to do so.
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